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Are Women Hornier than Men?

The sexual desires women have are so strong that men cannot cope with them. Daniel Bergner, in his journal, ‘What Do Women Want? Adventures in the Science of Female Desire agree that women lust the most, beyond control. Other sexologists believe the same after studying the behavior of animals and human substances.

sexy woman get horny

Women have the same sexual drive as men, and feelings do not arouse their drive. Bergner even suggests that women are more polygamous than men. According to Bergner, women use sex to get what they want, such as agreeing to stay with one partner and the benefits and security that marriage offers.

What Triggers Mostly How Often do Women Get Horny

Women get horny at different times of the month for various reasons, which include:


Studies show that women tend to get horny or practice sex more periods before ovulation. It is projected that estrogen levels increase one day after ovulation. Scientific studies show that estradiol, which is among the three varieties of hormonal estrogen, intensifies sexual desires in women.

This fact is very true, and good evidence is where women who are past menopause have a minimum amount of estradiol in their blood system are never sexually aroused.

Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Hormonal levels change greatly during pregnancy, and this may cause different women to have certain levels of sexual desires.

A study done in 2020 indicate that hormonal variances can make women demand more attention and love from their mates during the early stages of pregnancy. Even so, this does not implicate that their sexual drive is high because they may be suffering from nausea and other uneasiness associated with early pregnancy.

During the second trimester, women may get horny since they are now used to the pregnancy and are more relaxed. The arousal decreases during the third trimester as the pregnancy progresses.

young woman lying down on white bed

On Weekends

Other researches show that timing is crucial in deciding when woman get horny. During the weekends, the number of college women involved in sex increases by 50% or more compared to weekdays. The ratio of women involved in sex on weekends and weekdays is 22%: 9%.

Menstrual cycle

Hormones change during the menstrual cycle, which comes with certain measures that trigger your sexual desires. Some women may be aroused during the middle of their cycle or 14 days to their periods. That is when ovulation occurs and is understandable. During ovulation, women are very fertile and can conceive because their body is sexually stimulated and reproduction chances are high.

Some women get horny days before their period. During menses, a woman's pelvis is filled with fluid, which can activate sexual desires. Other women get sexually aroused when they have their periods. At this time, the blood offers natural lubricants, and you're not likely to get pregnant though there's a small chance.

Kissing Behaviors

Studies have shown that a woman's behavior on kissing depends on the menstrual cycle. Women in their early stages of the menstrual cycle rate kissing as very important compared to women in the luteal phase. Women kiss more before ovulation to rate their potential partners when the chances of conceiving are high.

Aphrodisiac Foods

Different kinds of foods can increase sexual desires in women. Women who take these kinds of foods knowingly or unknowingly may be triggering the effect of their sexual desires.

Alcohol and Drugs

Does a glass of wine make you get aroused? Taking alcohol and other drugs can interfere with your sexuality and make you get aroused at the beginning. They tend to loosen up a woman's body parts and make them feel more emotional than if they were in a sober

Why do We Get Hornier at Night, and Can we Avoid It?

hot women looking for hookup tying shoelaces in bedroom

We get aroused in the evening for different reasons. People relax after having long days at work, and that is we can interact without interruptions. During the day we are at work, we have to take care of kids and perform other activities. At night is when we have fewer things to do, and we have time with our partners. This is the time we get passionate with each other and have sex before we doze off.

Women get horny at night and have sex, releasing prolactin and oxytocin that helps us sleep well. Having sex before we sleep elevates our moods and emotions, making us stress-free with a relaxed mind for better sleep. If sex is accompanied by sensational foreplay, it makes us sleep better.

The answer as to at what age do women get horny is also crucial. By the time girls are 13 to 14, they start masturbating, and they deal with their sexual desires through flirting, hugging, being playful, and tickling other mates who attract them sexually. They start kissing or having sexual intercourse with fellow teens at this age, and they can wonder why I get horny at night?

This can happen when two teens are in a private place or big groups like parties when playing games such as spin-the-bottle. At this age, girls may start talking about their sexual desires with their mates. They may start joking about sex or make sexual comments that have two meanings. Teens can also start inferring their sexual acts to get reactions from their mates and prepare to talk about matters regarding sex.

Girls usually start to get aroused during puberty, and it's a time when they want to know more about their bodies, and they start touching them. They start feeling sexual desires and start masturbating, which is very normal.

When girls at puberty start getting horny, they get attracted to their mates, who can either be boys or girls, and that answers the question at what age do girls start getting horny. Some are never attracted to anyone, which is also okay. Girls can start getting aroused when they are either young or old, which is also okay.

Do Women Get as Horny as Men and what Triggers That?

Different factors contribute to different ways men and women become sexually aroused. Men's arousal may be affected by fear to fail to perform (S1S1), and another factor is the outcome that comes after sexual activity, which is unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (S1S2).

One factor is that men with different SES, S1S1, and S1S2, experience sexual arousal differently. Men who are afraid of S1S2 easily get aroused by sexual movies than those who are not.

Sexual films may result in negative feelings in women, which could limit their arousal. However, research from the University of Amsterdam found no proof that such emotions could affect how women get aroused.

Other researchers see the difference in men's and women's sexual arousal is because men's sexual arousal is easily recognizable compared to women's. Men are also more focused on different types of psychological signs, and not just sex, compared to women.

Things that Make You Horny

grayscale photo of horny woman

There are a couple of things as to what makes you horny. Spending time fantasizing about sex is one of them. By this, you will know your sexual orientation and preferences.

Another thing that can make you get aroused is masturbating. You can do this before having sex with your mate to make sex enjoyable and remain aroused. Masturbation will also enable you to know your sexual interests and improve your sexual desires. Masturbation increases your testosterone level, which improves libido.

If you’re wondering what makes you horny most, maybe it's when you watch pornography, whether alone or with a mate. Although the long-term effects of pornography are not yet clear, short-term effects can make you get aroused. According to a study done in 2016, people who watched porn often were free to talk about sex.

To know at what age are women most horny, know that most women become more sexually aroused in their thirties. At this time, women strong sexual desire, enjoy sex fully, and experience orgasms more. This is a period when the testosterone level in women decreases. The decrease happens gradually in women than in men, so a woman is in her thirties and her partner will have the same sexual desires. At times her libido can be greater than his.

Can women get horny on their own if they do certain things which trigger their senses? According to Azaria Menezes, a sex and relationships coach, women can get horny by eating things like chocolate, turning on some music, using silk sheets, and spraying perfume on themselves to tune them up.

Women can also get horny by creating their sexual imagination on their minds. You can choose to watch porn or even love scenes on Netflix or TV shows. However, if you create your sexual imagination in your mind, the psychological images will take you to where you want to go.

According to Marion Chloe, a French love coach, women can also get horny by reading their former sexting messages. Sexting is a good way to chat, and you can also read them later for hot imaginations, even if you're no longer with that person. On the other hand, what happens when horny women on women interact, and what can they do?

  • They can have oral sex, which arouses their partner's genitals, and
  • performing manual sex, which also activates their partner's sexual organs.
  • Mutual masturbation where they manually have sex to satisfy each other.
  • Penetrative sex in case one partner has a penis from birth can use sex toys or dildos.
  • Masturbating as they talk to each other or kiss
  • scissoring where they rub their genitals against one another.