Dating Tips

Dating Tips For The Millennial Generation

Surveys conducted by a leading dating service show that a number of changes have taken place in the dating scenario. While certain traditional dating rules apply, there are other new changes that have appeared as well. For the millennial generation, it is vital that they stay updated with the new changes. Studies show that dating actions vastly differ between different age groups. The younger generation is more open-minded in their approach whereas the older lot tend to be more conservative in their dating practices. Whether you are into regular dating or meet up through an online dating service you need to be aware of the changes in contemporary dating.

The modern dating rules

Partner split the bills

While men who are traditionalists may be more comfortable with paying the bill when dating single women, there is a growing trend among the newer generation to split the bill between both partners. It is perfectly okay to share the bill when you find a woman online and decide to go on a conventional date anyway.

Personal chemistry matters

When couples meet on a first date being able to develop a rapport is crucial. Most men and women say that it takes them about 15 minutes to decide if the person they are dating clicks with them or not. If they feel personal chemistry develop they will in all probability date the person again or else will move to the next partner.

Honesty definitely matters

When dating someone it is always best, to be honest and upfront instead of pretending to be okay about some things. Even if you feel the date is not your type, it is okay to politely tell them so. The millennial generation certainly prefers honesty over diplomacy so it is best to be to the point.

Avoid getting intimate

Do not make the mistake of getting intimate on the first date itself. It would come across as being desperate and not something most women are comfortable with. Build up a relationship until both of you are comfortable enough to get physical. Besides women admire men that control their sexual urges and it will raise the possibility of going on a second date.
It is okay to follow up: While women tend to follow up quicker it is found that most men generally like to appear cool and follow up later. It is perfectly fine for men to follow up with their date after a day or two after they went on date. Not following up might send across a negative impression that you are not interested.

Old school communication is the best

In this digital age of social media and smartphones texting, apps and email are just some of the ways by which to stay in touch. However, it is best to go old school and call up your partner on the phone when you want to communicate. It shows more interest and is the best way to stay in touch. Get on the phone when you want to connect with her instead of texting.