What is a Sugar Mama?
Much like a sugar daddy, sugar momma’s aim to provide financial support to their sugar babies in return for companionship/ intimacy. Widely considered as a kink, this side of the sexual community is an interesting one. It can be quite wholesome and fruitful to those truly struggling. However, it can be the breeding ground of toxic power structures. If you’re honest and wary of who you pick, then it should be a good time.
To help you understand, we will unpack the explanation of sugar mama’s, what to expect when seeking this arrangement, what it could mean for you as a broke single, and how to get involved. After, you’ll need to decide if this is something for you. The beauty of online dating and kinks like this is that you can be picky and make your limitation clear. Sometimes, face-to-face conversations about this can be awkward. Bring down the barriers online and find your perfect match. Let’s dive in!
The Official Sugar Mama Definition

As google would suggest, the definition of a sugar mama meaning a “woman, often married, who gives financial support to a lover.” The “married” part isn’t a requirement. If you prefer a single sugar mama, then you can also find them. Additionally, sugar mamas are invariably older than their sugar babies, much like sugar daddies; however, this also isn’t set in stone.
No requirement is set in stone; whatever you’re comfortable with is what to seek. If you want an old sugar momma? Great! Want someone similar age to you? Great! Utilize the power of online dating and search for your perfect mommy sugar.
Is it Right for You?
- Have excess income?
- In need of a partner?
- Have the wisdom to share?
- Want to use your money on your own terms?
- Are you a confident woman?
If you said yes to any of these things, then being a sugar momma might be the right thing for you. Sugar mommas are doing a lot to battle the gender norms. Forget the formulaic story of a rich silver fox supporting a hot 20-year-old. Sugar mommas are flipping the narrative, and now it’s hot silver-haired women supporting younger men. It’s refreshing, exciting and available to you.
What Does Sugar Momma Mean for Broke Singles?

As a broke single, you may be wondering if sugar mommas are legit; we promise they are. There are different types of sugar mommas, meaning you can find your type with ease! We’ve compiled a list of the top six, so you can get a taste of what’s in store.
- Old money cougar. Born into money and from a long line of wealthy family members, this cougar is on the hunt for young, fresh meat. The younger men in her social circle already have money and can get young girlfriends. She needs someone like you to make her feel special, so she can share her wealth and affection. Perfect for any broke single.
- Showy sugar momma. Known for spending her money, showy sugar mommas look for the hottest single to bring out to social events. She’ll be showing you off, so expect pictures and bigger social circles.
- Down-to-Earth cougar. Self-made and cautious as to where she puts her money. She might not give you a life of luxury, but she will treat you right and show you a good time. These cougars are the best options for singles seeking a low-key arrangement.
- New money cougar. Much like showy sugar mommas, new money likes to spend and what’s people to know it. This momma might want you walking around in named brands, but rest assured, she’ll be buying it for you. These cougars can be lots of fun.
- Celebrity cougar. The big fish of the cougar community. These cougars are famous and spend a lot of their romantic life in the public eye. No doubt, you’ll get lots of cool presents from this cougar, but expect the pressure from the paparazzi. This is an arrangement you should think about properly before entering.
- Roller-coaster cougar. Invariably, this type of cougar has been rich, poor, and rich again. Subsequently, she knows how to live and will make the most of what she has. To impress this cougar, you need to show her you know how to have fun. She wants fun and romance, not to be reminded of the trials and tribulations of life. Keep things light-hearted with this one.
Which one do you want to try? All have their pros and cons but consider which will best suit your life. Finding the best sugar momma as you are as important as finding a good babysitter. They need to be trusted, and they need to work with you. Online dating sites are the best place for doing this. Chat with hundreds of sugar mommas and find your perfect mommy sugar. So, let’s dive into the dating site aspect!
How to be a Sugar Mama: Sites for Mommas and Babies

There are hundreds of dating sites you can join to meet sugar mommas and babies; however, for ease, we’ve compiled the top six for you! Each with the perfect vibe to get inspired to meet people. Create each profile with care, so others know what you’re looking for. Being honest and upfront in your dating profiles will increase your chances for success. Honesty will earn you points within the cougar community. They’re older/ wiser than you…they know when someone is being dishonest. Clearly stating your relationship preference – be it long-term or not, will automatically weed out those ill-suited to you. Lar thing we want is for you to get stuck with the wrong sugar momma.
Dating Sites to Try
- Ashley Madison. Focusing on the secret side of dating, this dating site emphasizes the necessity of privacy. Perfect for down-to-earth cougars or old money mommas. If you sugar babies want a secret arrangement, this is the one for you! They offer free membership. However, if you want extra credits, then you’re looking at a price range of $49 to $249. Although they couldn’t keep their database secred and leaked it all over online, so think about that before signing up.
- Be Naughty. This dating site offers hundreds of arrangements, not just cougar ones. This is fantastic if you really want to explore the dating world. Although, this wouldn’t be great if your desire lies solely with cougars. They do offer a free version, but their membership prices do range from $12 to $27.
- Seeking Arrangement. A site dedicated to experienced sugar mommas and daddies; this is perfect for new sugar babies. Let the older rich folk show you how it’s done and relax whilst they come to you. All you need to do is show how great you are through your profile. Yes, they do have a free version, but membership costs vary from $69 to $89.
- Wantmatures. Pretty self-explanatory, a dating site dedicated to connecting young folks with mature ladies. This site welcomes sugar mommas and babies to sign up and get chatting. Their members are bold and adventurous, so prepare yourself. This is a great one for new money, celebrity, or roller-coaster cougars as they all know how to have fun. Their membership prices range from $24 to $40, and they do offer a free membership.
- Older Women Dating. A site dedicated to the older sugar mommas who still have love to give. If your desires lay with cougars, then find arrangements on here. You’ll be inundated with beautiful older women with lots of money and wisdom; what’s not to love? With a price range of $15 to $29, this is one of the many affordable ones and offers free memberships.
- Rich Meet Beautiful. Finally, Rich Meet Beautiful turns their focus on the European sugar mommas and babies. However, this doesn’t stop our American counterparts from getting involved. Take your hunt for older, richer women overseas and find out what life on the other side of the pond is like. They do have a free version; however, full membership prices vary from $39 to $59.
Cougars have had a bad reputation in the past. Seen as cradle snatchers or older women looking for a last hurrah, society has attached its stigma to these arraignments. However, we’re shedding this cloak of shame and bringing light to these women. Cougars/ sugar mommas have lots of wisdom and love to share; who say that age should dictate their love lives? If you’re interested in becoming a sugar baby or momma, then go for it! Online dating offers companionship in places previously forgotten. It’s time you get your happy ending too.